Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fighting Mind Control Spiritually Part 2- The Protocol of Terror

I'm going to talk a little bit about mind conditioning here, and please let it be known I am not a doctor or an ex-member of a cult, nor am I even a college graduate. In reality the only information I have with regard to mind control, trauma-based conditioning and how the brain works is what I have gleaned from the internet, what I have read in books and my own personal journey as a remotely-harassed victim. I have a theory as to why victims are assaulted and what we are used for, but of course it is only a theory, one of many I have held over the years. When I pose questions such as "What agency on earth would have the technology in their arsenal able to do the things it does?" and "Where does the money come from to fund 24 hour a day monitoring and harassment of average citizens in the hundreds of thousands if not millions?" and "What could our brains possibly be used for that could be so lucrative and so sought-after?", this theory seems to satisfy them.

From what I understand the government has been seriously researching the capabilities of the human brain for the last 100 years or so for use in warfare and defense strategies. Names like Nikolai Tesla, Owen Cameron and Jose Delgado will be familiar to anyone who has been "under the gun" of this technology and has actively tried to research and define it. America's MKULTRA program, which relied heavily on the findings of heinous WWII medical experimentation of prisoners in war camps, was apparently set up to examine the way the psyche of a human being could be used for things like trained alter-personalities and remote viewing. In essence, a subject was brutalized and brainwashed into compliance, his or her brain broken apart and rebuilt by trained operators. I believe what is happening now is basically the same program using remote technologies. I have been put through mind scenarios that are forced and not dream states, been instantly put into a trance-like state and while awake seen images in my mind's eye that are as clear as watching a television screen. I have been half asleep and heard voices telling me to relax, breathe deeply, imagine this or that, or perform this or that action, as if I were being hypnotized. I have extremely vivid dreams that I believe act as "screens' and hide other media or experiences my brain is also engaged in. I have been placed in an almost virtual-reality type situation, interacting with other people, that uses a very advanced sensory immersion technology. I have done some reading on split-brain research, and from what I have read, it is possible for those with the right technology to be able to engage one hemisphere of the brain while the other hemisphere is completely unaware, as if these hemispheres were two totally different identities or individuals.

I believe whatever it is our brains our being used for, either entertainment (the telepathic sharing of images, memories, fully-immersive sensory experiences, sounds, information and other media) military training, medical research, artificial intelligence, etc, that the training of our minds for these pursuits is done while our subconscious is laid bare, while we sleep and during forced trance states. It is a bizarre, Star Wars-like theory, but I cannot possibly conceive of a group of individuals dealing out this horror and the money it would take to harass victims in the hundreds of thousands if not millions globally simply out of pure vendetta for personal issues. It answers the immediate question as to why we are so maliciously harassed verbally and physically, kept in a constant state of fear and uncertainty. A mind that is in a highly emotive state is much more open to suggestion and more willing to comply with the perpetrator's brain programming. If used contractually, for information storage or artificial intelligence and more recently for entertainment purposes, the money that people pay to engage in, for example, a fully-immersive sexual sensory experience with another person, a mind-to-mind link where the alter personality of the victim imagines or performs anything the customer wills, would explain where the funding comes from. It would also explain why victims are average, law abiding folks who have no powerful connections and no wealth to rely upon.

It is a scary theory, but even if I am not 100 percent correct, I do believe that our wills and our minds are compromised. So, what do we do? How do we fight back and reclaim the joy of life, while pushing for de-classification of these technologies and acknowledgement of our plight? In part III of this essay I hope to touch on a few spiritual tactics that have given me hope and made my life livable again.


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